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Precise and functional
The EDX 10x42 offers a maximum performance of optical quality, ergonomics and sturdiness for this magnification. As for the EDX 7x42 and 8x42 versions the close focus setting range starts at 1,4m. Thus ornithologists can rapidly immerse themselves into the mysterious world of the birds. The resolution shows top values. Constant acuity up to the image fringes and a for this magnification surprisingly large field of view of 114m allow outdoor fans and hikers in the mountains to experience nature in a completely new way and hunters to clearly and precisely target game even on longer distances. A so-called apochromatic correction (APO) reliably prevents colour fringes during light-dark-transitions with the EDX 10x42. The exit pupil of 4,2mm is sufficient for the use during twilight, but for observations during the night binoculars of the EDX series with 7x or 8x magnification are to be preferred, although the luminosity and the image brightness of the EDX 10x42 still surprise because of the high light transmission.
Light, small, reliable - the EDX 10x42
Especially for the use in the mountains, be it during hunting or hiking, binoculars need to be robust but also light and handy. The EDX 10x42 is extremely shock-resistant (due to the use of robust materials like magnesium, aluminium and policarbonates), completely watertight and condensation-free, only 148mm of length and weighs with 760g no more than three bananas. The break-protecting rubber armoring is made with natural rubber and thus not only guarantees longevity, but also a clearly higher grip and slip resistance. An indestructible metal alloy optimally protects the oculars.
Comfortable EDX grip
With only 1,5 turns the entire acuity range can be adjusted. In combination with the low weight the user can observe even the smallest details almost without blurring. This is supported by the open bridge which begins immediately behind the central focussing wheel. Thus the EDX 10x42 can be gripped tightly with both hands, even with gloves.
Complete field of view for spectacle wearers
The diopter adjustment for spectacle wearers is situated on the right ocular. Spectacle wearers can conveniently adjust the oculars in four grid positions as to reach the perfect eye distance and to prevent the loss of the large field of view (114m). The grid positions can be fixed. An unintentional adjustment is excluded due to the clearly defined mechanics.
Premium optics for a brilliant image reproduction and a high resolution
While the EDX 10x42 is based on the classic roof prism system (Schmidt Pechan) the types of glass used for these binoculars have been completely new developped. This innovative ED glass (extra low dispersion) reduces colour fringes even better than the ED glasses used until now. The advantage for the user are perfectly matched and brilliant colours. The phase coating PHC140 newly developed for the EDX series suppresses 99 percent of all unwanted interference effects caused by wave optics and thus prevents even the smallest blurring.
Innovative coating guarantees razor-sharp contours
The EDX 10x42 reproduces the optical image with maximum resolution and without fringe blurring according to the current state of technology. This is guaranteed by the special DDlucid coating which is additionally applied to both roof surfaces of the Schmidt Pechan roof prism. This coating originating in the Japanese photo inustry is an evolution of the known and classic ELR coating (extra low reflection). DDlucid is one of the most effective binoculars coatings. Currently only premium binoculars use similarly advanced coatings.
Gewicht | 760 g |
Vergrößerung | 10 x |
Objektiv Ø in mm | 42 mm |
Austrittspupille Ø in mm | 4,2 mm |
Sehfeld 1000m | 114 m |
Sehfeld 1094yd | 114 m |
Blickwinkel (°) | 6,5 in degrees (º) |
Augenmuscheln | TwistUp Metall |
Prism type | Schmidt Pechan |
Prismen Verspiegelung | Dielektrisch 72s |
Linsenvergütung | DDlucid |
Raindefender | RNP vergütet |
Okular: Linsen/Gruppen | interne Information |
Objektiv: Linsen/Gruppen | interne Information |
Case material | Polycarbonat |
Gehäusearmierung | Gummi |
Augenabstand Okular in mm | 17 mm |
Brillenträger Okular | Ja |
Naheinstellung ab | 1,4 m |
Dioptrieneinstellung | right |
Dioptrienausgleich | +/-4 |
Lichtstärke | 17,64 |
Daemmerungszahl | 20,4 |
Stickstofffüllung | Ja |
Wasserdicht (Tiefe/Min.) | 5 m |
Maße h/b/t in mm | 148/128/58 mm |
Kupci iz Slovenije lahko izbrane izdelke plačate na naslednje načine:
- plačilo po povzetju: ob prejemu naročila in izbiri plačila po povzetju vam bomo po elektronski pošti poslali potrdilo o prejemu naročila, nato pa sledi dobava v dogovorjenem roku. Kupnino za naročeni izdelek plačate dostavni službi ob prejemu naročenih izdelkov. Za kupce iz tujine ni možen nakup s plačilom po povzetju.
- predhodno nakazilo na transakcijski račun: če ste izbrali plačilo na transakcijski račun, boste ob potrditvi naročila prejeli tudi podatke za nakazilo kupnine na TRR. Vaše naročilo bomo obdelali naslednji dan po prejemu plačila na naš TRR.
Do plačila celotne kupnine ostanejo izbrani artikli last SLOVARMS d.o.o.
Dostava se vrši preko Pošte Slovenije. Cene so izražene v evrih. Prodajalec pošiljki priloži račun (predračun), ko je pošiljka plačana, pošlje kupcu še račun. Vaša cena izdelka se bo povečala za znesek poštne provizije za prenos kupnine, ki jo zaračunava Pošta Slovenija po njihovem veljavnem ceniku.
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