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Kopita GRS

Kopita GRS


Outdoor life, wildlife, life on the edge. Hunting is a time-honored tradition and we at GRS intend to make the hunting experience a lifetime memory.

GRS Riflestocks

Hunters Just Like You

The people in GRS are hunters just like you and for generations we have enjoyed what nature has to offer. Our passion and understanding is reflected clearly in the design of our stocks, and for many years we have developed products specially designed for the sport. We at GRS know what is takes to become a true hunter.

The Joy of The Hunt

Increasing the precision of your shot increases the joy of hunting, plain and simple. Our stocks are built with an easy to use system of adjustments - especially useful when you are out hunting and need to quickly adjust the weapon to your shooting position. We have a wide range of rifle stocks with different qualities. Read more about our products and find the stock that suits your particular hunting needs.

GRS Riflestocks Hunting Buck


Shooting is a precision sport and the margins are thousandths of an inch. As practiced long-range shooters, we at GRS obsess over every little detail - details that make a big difference for you as a shooter.

GRS Riflestocks

Achieve your goals

We at GRS want to make you a better shooter, period. With GRS in your hands, you adjust the stock to your shooting position, instead of adjusting your position to the stock. Good ergonomics are essential to find an optimal shooting position, and with our rifle stocks we focus on ergonomics to the extreme. The next time you hold a GRS rifle stock in your hands, you will know immediately what we mean.

Unique design

The grip has an angle of six percent, so your hand is in a natural position. All of our stocks come with our very own SpeedLock system for adjusting height and length. SpeedLock is easy to use and easy to fine tune. Read more about our products and find the stock that suits your needs.

GRS Riflestocks

Za ta izbor ni na voljo nobenega artikla.

Prijavite se na e-novice in prejmite 5% popust na opremo!

Pravilnik o zasebnost: prijava na e-novice

Z vpisom svojega elektronskega naslova se prijavljate na e-novice, s katerimi vas bo podjetje SLOVARMS d.o.o obveščalo o novostih v ponudbi na spletu in v trgovini, o marketinških aktivnostih in drugih promocijah.

S prijavo na e-novice se vpišete tudi v bazo prejemnikov ugodnosti , ki jih SLOVARMS d.o.o nudi svojim uporabnikom.

Za prijavo na e-novice SLOVARMS d.o.o zbira sledeče podatke: e-naslov, IP, v primeru, da se prijavite kot registrirani član, pa tudi ime in priimek, naslov in telefon.

Po poslanem obrazcu z elektronskim naslovom boste na navedeni naslov prejeli potrditveno sporočilo – s potrditvijo tega boste do preklica prijavljeni na e-novice SLOVARMS d.o.o (t. i. opt-in odobritev). Kadarkoli lahko pisno ali s klikom na gumb Odjava v e-novicah zahtevate, da upravljavec osebnih podatkov trajno ali začasno preneha uporabljati vaše osebne podatke za namene neposrednega trženja. Vaši zahtevi bo ugodeno v 15 dneh od dneva prejema zahteve, kot predpisuje zakon. Zahtevate lahko tudi prenos ali seznanitev s podatki.

Upravljavec SLOVARMS d.o.o se zavezuje, da bo podatke skrbno varoval skladno z zakonodajo, ki ureja varovanje osebnih podatkov.

Pošiljatelj e-novic in upravljavec vaših osebnih podatkov je: SLOVARMS d.o.o, Kraška cesta 67, 6215 Divača, Slovenija

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