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NOVO: Super enostavna plačila na obroke Preverite svoj limit
Prism type: | Schmidt-Pechan | |
Magnification: | 8,5x | |
Field of view (FOV) ft at 1000y: | 315 | |
Field of view (FOV) m at 1000m: | 105 | |
Objective diameter (mm): | 50 | Effective diameter |
Exit pupil diameter (mm): | 5,88 | Measurement of the pupilary ocular beam |
Eye Relief (inches): | 0,77 | From the last optical surface |
Eye Relief (mm): | 19,5 | From the last optical surface |
Housing: | magnesium | Main body and hinge |
Close focus (feet): | 9,8 | Shortest focal distance |
Close focus (meters): | 3 | Shortest focal distance |
Interpupilary Distance (IPD): | 58-76 | Center pupil to center pupil measurement |
Dioptric compensation range: | +4, -4 | |
Waterproof: | 500 | Mbars |
Transmission Daylight: | 91% | ISO 14490-5:2005 |
Height (inches): | 2,5 | Without covers |
Height (mm): | 64 | Without covers |
Weight (ounces): | 33,2 | Without covers |
Weight (grams): | 940 | Without covers |
Length (inches): | 6,9 | At outside diameter |
Length (mm): | 175 | At outside diameter |
Width (inches): | 5,3 | Fully extended |
Width (mm): | 135 | Fully extended |
All glass that is finely polished will, at a micro level, have grooves and channels on its surface. Hydrophobic coatings applied with nano-application technology will fill these micro-grooves and channels, making a smoother surface that is easier to clean and that will not hold water, dirt, oil, and debris. Based on a nanoscale application technology, the GPO PASSIONdrop hydrophobic coatings are designed and applied to the exterior surfaces of our optical products to repel water, dust, oil, and dirt. Products that use this modern technology are proven to have dramatic improvements in smudge repellency, stay cleaner longer, and are easier to clean when necessary. . |
GPObright is a proprietary coating process that maximizes light transmission through each surface of an optical element. As light hits an optical surface, normal uncoated high-performance glass can reflect up to 5% of that light, redirecting this light so it does not transmit through the optical system. However, when these high-performance lenses are vacuum-coated with GPObright lens coatings, up to 99.7% of the available light passes through each optical surface. Furthermore, when every surface of the entire optical system is properly coated, total light transmission can reach up to more than 92%, making the optical image of a GPO binocular or riflescope “bright,” even in the lowest light conditions. . |
A Double HD lens is the final product, created when multiple extra-low dispersion lenses are chemically laminated to make a single, multilayer high-performance optical lens. Laminating multiple lenses minimizes light reflection on the surface of multiple lenses, creates enhanced resolution and color contrast images, and minimizes chromatic aberrations. This benefit is clearly visible with all GPO products supporting this feature. This high-performance process is routinely found in the photographic market and with the highest quality photographic lens manufacturers, but has now transitioned into premium sporting optics |
Kupci iz Slovenije lahko izbrane izdelke plačate na naslednje načine:
- plačilo po povzetju: ob prejemu naročila in izbiri plačila po povzetju vam bomo po elektronski pošti poslali potrdilo o prejemu naročila, nato pa sledi dobava v dogovorjenem roku. Kupnino za naročeni izdelek plačate dostavni službi ob prejemu naročenih izdelkov. Za kupce iz tujine ni možen nakup s plačilom po povzetju.
- predhodno nakazilo na transakcijski račun: če ste izbrali plačilo na transakcijski račun, boste ob potrditvi naročila prejeli tudi podatke za nakazilo kupnine na TRR. Vaše naročilo bomo obdelali naslednji dan po prejemu plačila na naš TRR.
Do plačila celotne kupnine ostanejo izbrani artikli last SLOVARMS d.o.o.
Dostava se vrši preko Pošte Slovenije. Cene so izražene v evrih. Prodajalec pošiljki priloži račun (predračun), ko je pošiljka plačana, pošlje kupcu še račun. Vaša cena izdelka se bo povečala za znesek poštne provizije za prenos kupnine, ki jo zaračunava Pošta Slovenija po njihovem veljavnem ceniku.
Vsa naročila nad 100 € bomo brezplačno dostavili na vaš naslov.
Potrebujete pomoč pri naročilu? Z veseljem vam bomo pomagali.
Naročene izdelke vam bomo dostavili v 1-2 delovnih dni.
Če z izdelki niste zadovoljni, jih lahko v roku 15 dni vrnete.