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THERMAL UPGRADE Its 640x480 @ 12 µm VOx sensor, HD AMOLED display, high performance electronics, smart design and advanced software make the Krypton XG50 an efficient and versatile thermal imaging device with the best image quality.
For image acquisition the KRYPTON uses a high quality 12 µm thermal imaging sensor with 640x480 pixel resolution that offers an exceptionally crisp contrast image and excellent thermal sensitivity in all weather conditions.
A powerful objective lens in combination with a professional grade 12 µm sensor thermal imaging sensor provides exceptional detection capabilities. A standard 1.8 m (6 ft) tall object can be detected at a 2300 m (2500 yds) distance in complete darkness.
The Krypton XG50 thermal imager produces clear, high contrast images with precise tracing of contours and informative visualization of the smallest objects and areas with minimal temperature differences. A hunter is able to clearly identify objects, both target and background, as well as accurately evaluate the trophy.
The Krypton XG50 thermal imaging module attaches to spotting scopes and binoculars using a special PSP adapter, turning them into a thermal imaging observation device. On one end, the adapter is attached to the Krypton through a secure threaded joint, while the other end is mounted on the lens barrel of the daytime optics. The Krypton Quick Release Adapter can be removed from the daytime optics and reinstalled in seconds. The precise positioning mechanism allows perfect alignment of the thermal or night image in the daylight optics field of view to provide maximum viewing comfort. An important feature, the adapter can be mounted on the Krypton XG50 thermal imaging module even when being used with the Pulsar 5x30B monocular.
The rugged, lightweight magnesium alloy body provides high structural strength to protect the Krypton XG50 from impact forces and vibration. Resistant to external mechanical, temperature and climatic influences, the metal body effectively removes and dissipates heat from the electronic components of the thermal imager, increasing its operational stability.
The built-in video recorder is a great asset when it comes to filming or taking photos of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. One press of the REC button captures footage that can be shared easily with colleagues, friends and family. 16 Gb of internal memory holds many hours of recorded video and hundreds of photos and recorded files can be downloaded to PC or smartphone.
A high-quality HD display provides clear, high-contrast images. Manufactured with AMOLED technology, the display offers efficient power consumption, a wide dynamic range and short response time, providing clear and smooth images particularly when viewed on the move or in freezing conditions.
The quick release rechargeable IPS7 6.4 Ah power supply (B-Pack power system) that is included provides more than 8 hours of operation of the device at full capacity. Additionally, a higher capacity battery (IPS14, 12.8 Ah) is available separately, as well as a battery pack compartment compatible with LR6 (AA) batteries.
A built-in Wi-Fi module provides connectivity of the Krypton XG50 attachment with Android or iOS smartphones and tablets with the help of free Stream Vision application. In combination with a smartphone the thermal imager offers a set of unique features such as live image streaming, motion detection, the transfer and sharing of multimedia files, firmware updates, remote control of settings and much more.
A smartphone, the free mobile application Stream Vision and Internet access is all one needs to check updates and to install new firmware. This allows a user to improve or add new features to a Krypton he/she already owns.
The IPX7 waterproof rating protects against heavy rainfall, snow or other precipitation. The KRYPTON is designed to run flawlessly, even after submersion in up to 3 feet of water for up to 30 minutes.
The housing, power unit, optics and electronics of the Krypton are designed for applications in a wide range of temperatures. The Krypton ensures reliable and effective performance in extreme cold down to -25°C.
Kupci iz Slovenije lahko izbrane izdelke plačate na naslednje načine:
- plačilo po povzetju: ob prejemu naročila in izbiri plačila po povzetju vam bomo po elektronski pošti poslali potrdilo o prejemu naročila, nato pa sledi dobava v dogovorjenem roku. Kupnino za naročeni izdelek plačate dostavni službi ob prejemu naročenih izdelkov. Za kupce iz tujine ni možen nakup s plačilom po povzetju.
- predhodno nakazilo na transakcijski račun: če ste izbrali plačilo na transakcijski račun, boste ob potrditvi naročila prejeli tudi podatke za nakazilo kupnine na TRR. Vaše naročilo bomo obdelali naslednji dan po prejemu plačila na naš TRR.
Do plačila celotne kupnine ostanejo izbrani artikli last SLOVARMS d.o.o.
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