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Thermal imaging provides useful insight into the detection of energy loss in homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. Inspection with thermal imaging detects energy loss caused by air leaks, inefficient systems, or poor construction.
Finding and assessing these problems requires a thermal imager to identify hot and cold spots.
Seek Thermal Compact and Reveal thermal imaging cameras enable contractors to conduct building inspections quickly and accurately, without the need to crawl through attics and crawlspaces or punch holes in walls to find air leaks, thermal bypasses, and insulation gaps.
Powerful and rugged in design, the standalone Seek Reveal handheld imager combines powerful thermal insight with a 206x156 sensor, rechargeable battery lasting more than 10 hours, and a large color display in one durable device. Reveal’s advanced infrared technology lets you see thermal images even in an unlit room or crawl space. And when you need it, Reveal’s powerful 300-lumen LED light makes sure you know exactly what’s in there. You can count on its rugged, rubberized casing and intuitive controls to go and work where you do.
Building Envelopes
The building envelope separates the outside environment from the inside and is a frequent location of energy loss. Find water and air leaks, identify structural damage, unsealed gaps and insulation gaps in:
HVAC Motors and Generators
Malfunctioning and overheating motors and generators contribute to energy waste within HVAC systems.
Thermal imaging detects elevated temperatures, which are indicative of system inefficiencies and impending failure in:
HVAC Systems
HVAC systems can be the biggest energy consumer within a commercial and industrial facility. Preventive maintenance and repair can decrease waste and increase efficiency.
Use thermal imaging to find air and heat leaks, overheated components, misconfigurations, and wear in:
Boilers are at the core of every steam and hot water heating system, and they are frequently a point of energy inefficiency. Thermal imaging can detect error conditions in:
Steam-Heating Systems
Many industrial and commercial facilities still rely on steam for central heating. Thermal imaging can be used to find temperature differentials that show improper operation, leaks, and blockages that affect the efficiency of:
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- plačilo po povzetju: ob prejemu naročila in izbiri plačila po povzetju vam bomo po elektronski pošti poslali potrdilo o prejemu naročila, nato pa sledi dobava v dogovorjenem roku. Kupnino za naročeni izdelek plačate dostavni službi ob prejemu naročenih izdelkov. Za kupce iz tujine ni možen nakup s plačilom po povzetju.
- predhodno nakazilo na transakcijski račun: če ste izbrali plačilo na transakcijski račun, boste ob potrditvi naročila prejeli tudi podatke za nakazilo kupnine na TRR. Vaše naročilo bomo obdelali naslednji dan po prejemu plačila na naš TRR.
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