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NOVO: Super enostavna plačila na obroke Preverite svoj limit
Cena: 819,00 €
Akcijska cena 739,00 €
- High-Definition-Optics For clear, razor sharp images in full contrast with maximum resolution right to the edge. A highly specialised coating provides first-class light transmission . Diffused light is reduced to a minimum. Contours are always sharp and distinctly visible.
- XL-Field of view XL field of view ensures an overview of search and observations activities.
- Fast-Close-Focus Fast-Close-Focus central focusing wheel requires minimal, stepless rotation for quick absolute sharpness from close-up to infinity- comfortable, easy to use.
- Distance-Control-System Enables pre-setting of observation distance and sharp focusing by one simple turn of the non-slip XL-focusing wheel.
- Nitrogen- Pressure-System Fogging up or the formation of condensation inside the binoculars is totally prevented by this high-tech proprietary solution. Even temperature variations between -40 °C to +80 °C do not affect the functionality of STEINER nitrogen-filled binoculars. By 2-way-valve technology, the maintenance of the binoculars is possible at any time even after many years.
- Ergonomic Rotation Eyecups Providing comfortable long-term observations. Ergonomic pliable eyecups made of soft, skin-friendly and non-ageing silicone protect against incident light and draught. Simply to be folded down for use with eyeglasses.
- ClicLoc ClicLoc -Strap Attachment System attaches and releases neck strap with instant, push-button ease, and keeps binoculars hanging straight and action-ready.
- Outstanding Ruggedness Outstanding Ruggedness with durable polycarbonate Makrolon housing, Water Pressure Proofness to 3 m and the Nitrogen-Pressure-Filling into the optic against fogging up inside at temperature range between -20°C to +80°C. Non-slip NBR-Longlife rubber armour protection resists oil, acid or adverse weather. Impervious to harsh conditions for generations of trusted use.
- High-end accessories High-end accessories with case, ClicLoc neoprene-carrying strap for instant, push-button ease, rain protection cap and objective covers.
Kupci iz Slovenije lahko izbrane izdelke plačate na naslednje načine:
- plačilo po povzetju: ob prejemu naročila in izbiri plačila po povzetju vam bomo po elektronski pošti poslali potrdilo o prejemu naročila, nato pa sledi dobava v dogovorjenem roku. Kupnino za naročeni izdelek plačate dostavni službi ob prejemu naročenih izdelkov. Za kupce iz tujine ni možen nakup s plačilom po povzetju.
- predhodno nakazilo na transakcijski račun: če ste izbrali plačilo na transakcijski račun, boste ob potrditvi naročila prejeli tudi podatke za nakazilo kupnine na TRR. Vaše naročilo bomo obdelali naslednji dan po prejemu plačila na naš TRR.
Do plačila celotne kupnine ostanejo izbrani artikli last SLOVARMS d.o.o.
Dostava se vrši preko Pošte Slovenije. Cene so izražene v evrih. Prodajalec pošiljki priloži račun (predračun), ko je pošiljka plačana, pošlje kupcu še račun. Vaša cena izdelka se bo povečala za znesek poštne provizije za prenos kupnine, ki jo zaračunava Pošta Slovenija po njihovem veljavnem ceniku.
Vsa naročila nad 100 € bomo brezplačno dostavili na vaš naslov.
Potrebujete pomoč pri naročilu? Z veseljem vam bomo pomagali.
Naročene izdelke vam bomo dostavili v 1-2 delovnih dni.
Če z izdelki niste zadovoljni, jih lahko v roku 15 dni vrnete.